
Osteitis Pubis

The pelvic girdle is formed by a group of interlocking bones arranged in the form of a ring from back to front. Behind, the pelvic girdle connects to the lower part of the spine and in front it meets in the midline at a joint called the pubic symphysis. Osteitis pubis is an inflammation of this joint. Though its exact cause is unknown, it may occur due to repetitive stress on the pelvic bones from sports such as soccer, fencing, ice hockey and weightlifting, or other activities.

The symptoms of osteitis pubis include pain in front of the pelvis, which may radiate to the groin, lower abdomen or inner thighs. Pain is usually one-sided and may increase with activities such as kicking, running, pivoting on one leg, climbing stairs, lying on one side and coughing. Other symptoms may include clicking sounds, limping, and weakness while bending or kicking.

When you present with the above symptoms, your doctor will perform a physical examination, palpating the region of the pubic symphysis to elicit tenderness. Other possible causes of pelvic pain are ruled out with blood and urine tests and imaging studies such as X-rays, CT scans and bone scans.

Osteitis pubis is usually treated by rest, heat or ice application, anti-inflammatory medication and physical therapy to aid healing as well as stretch and strengthen the surrounding muscles. Steroid injections may be suggested to reduce pain and inflammation. Walking aids may be necessary. In rare cases when conservative management fails, surgery is recommended.

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