
Adductor Tendinopathy

The adductors are a group of muscles on the inside of your thigh that help bring your legs together. Repeated or forceful movements, or sudden change in direction during certain sports activities such as tennis, football and hockey, can sometimes strain the adductors, causing injury or degeneration of the tendons that attach the muscles to bone. This is referred to as adductor tendinopathy.

Adductor tendinopathy is commonly caused by a tendon being forcibly stretched while it is being flexed, such as during a football tackle, or during side-to-side motion. Weak and poorly stretched adductor muscles are more at risk of developing tendinopathy.

Symptoms usually include groin pain and stiffness at the beginning of an activity or in the morning. Initial pain is intense and soon followed by a dull ache. You may also have difficulty running, flexing your hip, or bringing your legs together against resistance. A warmup before activity can reduce symptoms, but they usually return later. Additional symptoms include swelling, tenderness and bruising at the inner thigh.

Your doctor will review your symptoms, perform a physical examination as well as order clinical tests to evaluate the adductor muscles. Imaging studies such as X-rays, ultrasonogram, CT scan or MRI scan may be ordered to detect tears in the tendons or rule out other conditions.

If not treated promptly and adequately, adductor tendinopathy may become chronic. Your doctor will advise protection, rest, ice application, compression and elevation (PRICE) of the area. You will be advised to avoid activities that aggravate the symptoms and walking aids may be recommended to take pressure off the area while healing. Surgery may be recommended to treat tendon tears, or severe and persistent tendinopathy. Once healing has occurred, muscle stretching and strengthening exercises are gradually introduced. Sports-specific rehabilitation may also be offered.

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